BGP GameMaker Help News:
If you're a long-time follower, you'll have noticed that BGP GMH has gotten a new front page! If you're reading this for the first time, then forget what I just said, it's always looked that good...Anyway, a little less text and a few more images really do go a long way! I hope you're as happy as I am with the new look.
Speaking of the "new look" you might notice a little yellow button. It has the word "Donate" written on it, and I think it deserves a little elaboration:
Bluish-Green Productions Game Maker Help tutorials will ALWAYS be free. But it's kind of hard to offer something for free when you aren't making any money from other sources. I ought to be able to licence my tutorials for use this coming summer, which of course means I will be making more. However, I haven't heard back regarding this deal, so I can't count on it as a source of income. In the meantime, I thought if anyone was feeling generous enough to support BGP GMH, the opportunity should at least be available.
Thank you.
Now on to more fun things:Mars Lander Runner News:
For a product I deemed "finished" last month, it sure feels strange to be working on Mars Lander for this long. It seems every time I use the program I think of some little tweak that would make it better, like last week's update. Once again, I'll be updating the Lander Runner in a few distinct ways, but they will be purely aesthetic. Unless I discover any problems, there should be no more changes to the way the game plays. First of all, I'm improving the look of the interface, removing the unnecessary black along the edge of the screen and filling it with actual space for buttons. This- redesign was inspired by my idea to use GameMaker HTML5 to create Mars Lander Runner Online Edition.With the online edition, you'll be able to paste in the level codes you get below, without the need to download the program or even the level pack!
The traditional Lander Runner will update alongside with the release of the HTML5 Lander Runner, look forward to both updates soon (hopefully by next week).
Level Pack #2:
If you're new to this: You can either download the level packs with the links above or copy the level codes below. Yes, they run off the page... just double click them to make sure you select the entire code and then copy it.
You can paste these codes into existing “.lvl” files to play the new levels.
Level 1:
text code:
text code:
text code:
text code:
text code:
Don’t forget, you can submit your own custom levels and get them featured in future News posts, or even as part of a Level Pack in the future:
And as always,
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