Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tower Guard Source Code

While I haven't had the time to make any more tutorials, I figured the least I could do was give out the editable file for this due-to-be tutorial game. Why now and not before? Well, I just cleaned up all the programming. There are no comments in the code but it has a relitively simple structure and I'm sure it won't be too difficult for anyone to decipher.

As you may know, Tower Guard is designed to be compatible with IOS, hence the "Tap the screen to start" instruction. What you may not have known is that Tower Guard is compatible with the upcoming Game Maker HTML5. The game runs in-browser without any trouble!

As an added bonus, Tower Guard uses none of Game Maker's Standard functions, so the download is good to go for all you Lite users.

Game Maker HTML5

Not far off is probably the most significant update to come to Game Maker in a long time. Don't forget to sign up for the Beta if you are interested. Also, if you ever want to get it, get it now while it's only $99 instead of $199! At last, you can make a game in Game Maker and have it run in any HTML5 compatible browser. Forget Flash! Too expensive and complicated! With Game Maker HTML5, you can experience all the simplicity of Game Maker and still produce web-ready content.
All that said, you are probably wondering if I will be making tutorials for GM HTML5. Official Answer: Maybe. The interface has been re-skinned, effectively making all my current tutorials "out-of-date", but not useless. Same Actions, just new pictures. At the very least, I'll make sure anything I write in my current tutorials isn't incompatible with GM HTML5, like I did with Tower Guard.

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions

Monday, September 5, 2011

Basic Maze Game Lesson Complete Tutorial now available

Drumroll please,...

The complete Basic Maze game tutorial is now finished!

All three lessons are now available for download at the following links:

The "Complete tutorial pack" includes all 3 lessons, the finished "Cave Explorer" game, BGPGMH Introduction, and Game Builder Extension.


And now for a very somber issue, the end of summer (and what it means for BGPGMH tutorials).
Throughout the summer, I've had plenty of time to produce free, weekly lessons. With the end of summer fast approaching and several other obligations cropping up, I can no longer guarantee weekly updates. Why? Because I'm doing this for free. It just might happen that I may be paid for this in which case I will resume. Anyways, Bluish-Green Productions as a whole will not go silent, just expect more content on the image/video front instead of Game Maker tutorials.
I still intend to keep the forum going, in case you are wondering (assuming there are any posts).
Whatever the future may hold, I hope that you find the lessons available so far to be helpful. And as always,

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions