Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the lack of any new content for the past few months (gosh, has it that long already!?). But now, so many things are happening at once that I just had to write a news post.


It's been out for quite some time now, and I've already talked about its release in a previous news post, so what is there to report? THIS:

That's right! An overview of GameMaker:HTML5 made by yours truly. Not only did I create the Demo with HTML5, but I've also used it create an element for the web-page of the brand new:

Assembly Line Games

I have recently teamed up with some friends to create Assembly Line Games. Right now there isn't much on our site, except for an Assembly Arm I made in GameMaker:HTML5.
Like the header says, we're under construction.

We're just starting up, but soon we'll be using GameMaker to create games for all major mobile platforms. And this does NOT mean that I'll be stopping tutorial production, in fact, it will be quite the opposite!
At Assembly Line Games, we understand the value of maintaining a strong community. And what better way to keep people happy than to give away free stuff?...

The Future of Tutorials

Alongside every game we make, we'll be releasing a tutorial on how to make a component of that game. We're not going to give you access to every single resource or a finished and editable copy of the final game (we're not crazy), but I will be writing Tutorials using some actual game assets that will teach you how to make some part of the game, like (for example) how to build a similar platforming engine to one used in our games.
...and that's not all. If not right away, then as soon as we get into the swing of a professional game development cycle we'll attempt to release something every week (not necessarily a game or a tutorial).
As for the basic sets of tutorials, those will also be finished! Cave Explorer is already finished, Station 17B will be next, and Tower Guard is still some ways off, especially because there might be a few tutorials in-between. Until then, you can still look at the finished editable file for Tower Guard.
An exciting and game-filled future awaits for everyone, and on behalf of the Assembly Line Games team,

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tower Guard Source Code

While I haven't had the time to make any more tutorials, I figured the least I could do was give out the editable file for this due-to-be tutorial game. Why now and not before? Well, I just cleaned up all the programming. There are no comments in the code but it has a relitively simple structure and I'm sure it won't be too difficult for anyone to decipher.

As you may know, Tower Guard is designed to be compatible with IOS, hence the "Tap the screen to start" instruction. What you may not have known is that Tower Guard is compatible with the upcoming Game Maker HTML5. The game runs in-browser without any trouble!

As an added bonus, Tower Guard uses none of Game Maker's Standard functions, so the download is good to go for all you Lite users.

Game Maker HTML5

Not far off is probably the most significant update to come to Game Maker in a long time. Don't forget to sign up for the Beta if you are interested. Also, if you ever want to get it, get it now while it's only $99 instead of $199! At last, you can make a game in Game Maker and have it run in any HTML5 compatible browser. Forget Flash! Too expensive and complicated! With Game Maker HTML5, you can experience all the simplicity of Game Maker and still produce web-ready content.
All that said, you are probably wondering if I will be making tutorials for GM HTML5. Official Answer: Maybe. The interface has been re-skinned, effectively making all my current tutorials "out-of-date", but not useless. Same Actions, just new pictures. At the very least, I'll make sure anything I write in my current tutorials isn't incompatible with GM HTML5, like I did with Tower Guard.

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions

Monday, September 5, 2011

Basic Maze Game Lesson Complete Tutorial now available

Drumroll please,...

The complete Basic Maze game tutorial is now finished!

All three lessons are now available for download at the following links:

The "Complete tutorial pack" includes all 3 lessons, the finished "Cave Explorer" game, BGPGMH Introduction, and Game Builder Extension.


And now for a very somber issue, the end of summer (and what it means for BGPGMH tutorials).
Throughout the summer, I've had plenty of time to produce free, weekly lessons. With the end of summer fast approaching and several other obligations cropping up, I can no longer guarantee weekly updates. Why? Because I'm doing this for free. It just might happen that I may be paid for this in which case I will resume. Anyways, Bluish-Green Productions as a whole will not go silent, just expect more content on the image/video front instead of Game Maker tutorials.
I still intend to keep the forum going, in case you are wondering (assuming there are any posts).
Whatever the future may hold, I hope that you find the lessons available so far to be helpful. And as always,

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions

Monday, August 29, 2011

Basic Maze Game Lesson 2 now online!

BGPGMH Gets Interactive!

Week 2 and still going strong. Lesson 2 is here and it's time to level up! But that's not all, the BGPGMH Forums have also opened up this week. Need help with something tutorial-related? Want to get your games featured? Become a part of the BGPGMH Community! Oh heck, who am I kidding? You'll be the first one(s) aside from myself! Anyway, communities must all start with a few members at first, so why not take the chance to become one of the first members? Don't you internet types like being FIRsT!!1!1?

Click on the image below to download the second lesson!

10 Percent makes all the difference:

Although you may have noticed it in last week's tutorial, the Explorer is much easier to control. This is not because of any difference in programming, it's Sprite has simply been made 10% smaller. With that tiny difference it fits through gaps easier than before and no longer makes control feel sticky and unresponsive.


So last week I posted the first lesson of the Cave Explorer game, only to realize that it was without an adequate explanation of the "Relative" check-box. I would have added it to the second lesson, but it isn't used, and what's the point in explaining things the second time you use them? So I went ahead and updated the PDF of the first Lesson to include the following explanation (see the "Remember" Card):
A little easier to understand than the Theory of Relativity

I can't rule out the possibility of updates in the future, especially since new features are constantly being added to Game Maker and I will be making every effort to keep my tutorials updated. Rest assured, if anything changes, you'll hear about it.

Looking for the first lesson? Click here
Enjoy the new lesson, and as always,

Good luck Game Making!

~Bluish-Green Productions

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Brand new tutorials and weekly updates!

Game Maker 8.1 Standard has been out for a while now, and it's time BGPGMH tutorials was updated for the new release. So to catch up with the times, you can now expect weekly updates.
Starting with this; the brand new Basic Maze tutorial.

To try out the game you can make with this tutorial, click on the following image:

New updates every Monday!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

BGP Game Maker Help Online at Mod DB!

The Bluish-Green Productions Game Maker Help is online at Mod DB:
From that page you can access 3 tutorials and the 3 complete versions of the games from those tutorials.